Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Michael Bloomberg Sees the Light

I'm so excited to see New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg register as unaffiliated. It demonstrates that individuals from all walks of life are facing the cold hard facts. As Bloomberg said on Monday, "The politics of partisanship and the resulting inaction and excuses have paralyzed decision-making, primarily at the federal level, and the big issues of the day are not being addressed, leaving our future in jeopardy."

It’s time we face the truth - across the country more and more people are fed-up with partisan politics. Voter participation is at an all time low. From coast to coast many people feel as though their voice and vote don’t matter. With more than 38 percent of active voters identifying as

Independents/unaffiliated it's time we begin to understand and turn to face the change.
Whether or not Mayor Bloomberg runs for President, the mere fact that he’s registered as unaffiliated underscores the message sent by thousands of people across the country that their call for change be heard.

The key to success in the 2008 elections will not be the monotonous drum beat of partisan politics. Rather it's who can inspire and motivate hundreds and thousands of voters to participate in our democracy and turn out to the polls to vote FOR someone.

People are looking for a fresh perspective -- one that does not point the finger or blame another group of people for the economic and social failures within our broken system of government.
People are seeking someone who believes in addressing these fundamental problems with real solutions and not just applying a band-aid.

I know from listening to many, many people that the time for change is now. I trust those people, I agree with those people.

It’s time for true representation.

Finding ways to work together is the only road to real solutions. It's time to breath new life into our democracy and it's time to bring the power of our voices back into governing our country.

Annie Loyd
Independent, Candidate - US Congress, Arizona District 3

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